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Global Project and Change Management in Zwolle (voltijd)

  • Voltijd
  • Bachelor
  • September
  • Zwolle
  • 4 jaar
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Vrijdag 8 november in Zwolle
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Tijdens Global Project and Change Management word je opgeleid tot een internationale project- en verandermanager. Ga jij straks wereldwijd duurzame uitdagingen aan?

Je gaat werken aan projecten die zich richten op het aanpakken van problemen zoals klimaatverandering, uitputting van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, mensenrechtenschendingen, wereldwijde gezondheid, genderongelijkheid, migratie, armoede en vervuiling van de oceanen. Deze onderwerpen zijn gekoppeld aan de 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) van de Verenigde Naties.


Studieprogramma Global Project & Change Management

Deze opleiding wordt in het Engels gegeven. Je kunt de opleiding daarom ook terugvinden op onze Engelstalige website.

Bekijk GPCM op in nieuw tabblad)

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Maak kennis met de opleiding GPCM

En leer Windesheim én studentenstad Zwolle kennen! Van gezellige terrasjes tot leuke kroegen: het bruist in Zwolle. Bekijk de video waarin we je in vogelvlucht meenemen(opent in nieuw tabblad) over de campus. Zie jij jezelf hier al rondlopen? Je krijgt les in gebouw X.

Studentenstad Zwolle   Instagram GPCM(opent in nieuw tabblad)   Meelopen/proefles   Open dag bezoeken


Na je studie

Na je studie Global Project & Change Management

Aan het werk of doorstuderen? Bekijk wat je mogelijkheden zijn na het afronden van de opleiding Global Project & Change Management.



van de werkenden vond baan op hbo-niveau


€ 2.559,-

bruto, op basis van 37 uur per week

Praktische informatie


Je betaalt elk jaar collegegeld. In 2025 - 2026 is dat € 2.601,-.

Houd ook rekening met extra kosten voor een laptop, excursies, boeken en een vrijwillige introductieweek (€ 250,-).

Bekijk wat studeren je kost


1 september 2025


Van 25 tot en met 27 augustus 2025 is de Bruisweek in Zwolle. Hét moment om de school, de stad, het studentenleven en je toekomstige studiegenoten te leren kennen!

Check de introductie


Ervaringen van onze studenten

"This programme is mainly about business, research, and project management skills. There's a huge focus on sustainability. But we also have subjects like rhetoric writing and politics. The course which I liked most was Managing Projects for Sustainable Development.(opent in nieuw tabblad) During this semester, I went to Romania to work with our clients on a partnership between three schools."

"There are many chances to go abroad during the programme. For my elective, I can choose any university around the world that's partnered with Windesheim. I'm going to study in South Korea for six months."

"To me, the learning environment here is one of the most positive I've ever experienced. The people here are extremely helpful and actually really inspiring; they have a lot of great ideas. We work very closely with the lecturers, who are from all around the world. This really gives that international aspect to the programme."

"My experiences so far have been genuinely wonderful. My time here has been made special by the people here. They're passionate about so many different issues, but all care about making the world a better place. The study environment is also enjoyable since there is a flat hierarchy. You can approach all of your lecturers easily to ask questions or for extra resources."

"I decided to study this programme because of two reasons: I'm very passionate about human rights and human development, and the second reason is that I really want to work for an NGO or business to create change."

"Global Project and Change Management is not like other programmes. The curriculum is way more integrated, in the sense that we have larger learning units which consist of different courses. These courses really help you in inquiring your business, your professional, your research, and your project management skills. The courses that I especially like are leadership and change, and diversity, social justice and inclusion, because these help you open up to new ideas and reflect on your own behaviour."

"Zwolle is a very charming city. It feels like a fairytale town and there are a lot of things to do. What I really like about the Netherlands is the biking culture. You can access everything by bike!"

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